Asynchronous Programming with Seastar

Nadav Har’El -

Avi Kivity -

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21 Debugging a Seastar program

21.1 Debugging ignored exceptions

If a future resolves with an exception, and the application neglects to handle that exception or to explicitly ignore it, the application may have missed an important problem. This is likely to be an application bug.

Therefore, Seastar prints a warning message to the log if a future is destroyed when it stores an exception that hasn’t been handled.

For example, consider this code:

#include <seastar/core/future.hh>
#include <seastar/core/sleep.hh>

class myexception {};

seastar::future<> g() {
    return seastar::make_exception_future<>(myexception());

seastar::future<> f() {
    return seastar::sleep(std::chrono::seconds(1));

Here, the main function f() calls g(), but doesn’t do anything with the future it returns. But this future resolves with an exception, and this exception is silently ignored. So Seastar prints this warning message about the ignored exception:

WARN  2018-01-11 13:23:17,976 [shard 0] seastar - Exceptional future ignored:
myexception, backtrace: 0x41ce24

This message says that an exceptional future was ignored, and that the type of the exception was “myexception”. The type of the exception is usually not enough to pinpoint where the problem happened, so the warning message also includes the backtrace - the call chain - leading to where the exceptional future was destroyed. The backtrace is given as a list of addresses, where code in other shared libraries is written as a shared library plus offset (when ASLR is enabled, the shared libraries are mapped in a different address each time).

Seastar includes a utility, seastar-addr2line, for translating these addresses into readable backtraces including exact method names, source files and line numbers. This utility needs the unstripped executable. Typically, a stripped executable is used for production, but an unstripped copy is kept separately to be used in debugging - including seastar-addr2line.

To decode the backtrace, we run

seastar-addr2line -e a.out

And then paste the list of addresses in the warning message, and conclude with a control-D (it’s also possible, if you want, to put the list of addresses in the seastar-addr2line command line). The result looks like this:

seastar::report_failed_future(std::__exception_ptr::exception_ptr) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
seastar::future<>::~future() at /home/nyh/seastar/core/future.hh:828
 (inlined by) f() at /home/nyh/seastar/doc/code/
std::_Function_handler<seastar::future<> (), seastar::future<> (*)()>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&) at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/std_function.h:302
std::function<seastar::future<> ()>::operator()() const at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/std_function.h:706
 (inlined by) operator() at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
 (inlined by) _M_invoke at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/std_function.h:302
std::function<seastar::future<int> ()>::operator()() const at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/std_function.h:706
 (inlined by) seastar::future<int> seastar::futurize<seastar::future<int> >::apply<std::function<seastar::future<int> ()>&>(std::function<seastar::future<int> ()>&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/future.hh:1362
 (inlined by) auto seastar::futurize_apply<std::function<seastar::future<int> ()>&>(std::function<seastar::future<int> ()>&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/future.hh:1420
 (inlined by) operator() at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
 (inlined by) _M_invoke at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/std_function.h:316
std::function<void ()>::operator()() const at /usr/include/c++/7/bits/std_function.h:706
 (inlined by) seastar::apply_helper<std::function<void ()>, std::tuple<>&&, std::integer_sequence<unsigned long> >::apply(std::function<void ()>&&, std::tuple<>&&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/apply.hh:36
 (inlined by) auto seastar::apply<std::function<void ()>>(std::function<void ()>&&, std::tuple<>&&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/apply.hh:44
 (inlined by) std::enable_if<!seastar::is_future<std::result_of<std::function<void ()> ()>::type>::value, seastar::future<> >::type seastar::do_void_futurize_apply_tuple<std::function<void ()>>(std::function<void ()>&&, std::tuple<>&&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/future.hh:1320
 (inlined by) seastar::future<> seastar::futurize<void>::apply<std::function<void ()>>(std::function<void ()>&&, std::tuple<>&&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/future.hh:1340
 (inlined by) seastar::future<> seastar::future<>::then<std::function<void ()>, seastar::future<> >(std::function<void ()>&&)::{lambda(auto:1&&)#1}::operator()<seastar::future_state<> >(auto, std::function<void ()>&&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/future.hh:933
 (inlined by) seastar::continuation<seastar::future<> seastar::future<>::then<std::function<void ()>, seastar::future<> >(std::function<void ()>&&)::{lambda(auto:1&&)#1}>::run_and_dispose() at /home/nyh/seastar/core/future.hh:413
seastar::reactor::run_tasks(seastar::reactor::task_queue&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
seastar::reactor::run_some_tasks(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::_V2::steady_clock, std::chrono::duration<long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
seastar::reactor::run_some_tasks(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::_V2::steady_clock, std::chrono::duration<long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >&) at /usr/include/c++/7/chrono:377
 (inlined by) seastar::reactor::run() at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
seastar::app_template::run_deprecated(int, char**, std::function<void ()>&&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
seastar::app_template::run(int, char**, std::function<seastar::future<int> ()>&&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
seastar::app_template::run(int, char**, std::function<seastar::future<> ()>&&) at /home/nyh/seastar/core/
main at /home/nyh/seastar/doc/code/
__libc_start_main at ??:?

Most of the lines at the bottom of this backtrace are not interesting, and just showing the internal details of how Seastar ended up running the main function f(). The only interesting part is the first few lines:

seastar::report_failed_future(std::__exception_ptr::exception_ptr) at
seastar::future<>::~future() at /home/nyh/seastar/core/future.hh:828
 (inlined by) f() at /home/nyh/seastar/doc/code/

Here we see that the warning message was printed by the seastar::report_failed_future() function which was called when destroying a future (future<>::~future) that had not been handled. The future’s destructor was called in line 11 of our test code (, which is indeed the line where we called g() and ignored its result.
This backtrace gives us an accurate understanding of where our code destroyed an exceptional future without handling it first, which is usually helpful in solving these kinds of bugs. Note that this technique does not tell us where the exception was first created, nor what code passed around the exceptional future before it was destroyed - we just learn where the future was destroyed. To learn where the exception was originally thrown, see the next section:

21.2 Finding where an exception was thrown

Sometimes an application logs an exception, and we want to know where in the code the exception was originally thrown. Unlike languages like Java, C++ does not have a builtin method of attaching a backtrace to every exception. So Seastar provides functions which allow adding to an exception the backtrace recorded when throwing it.

For example, in the following code we throw and catch an std::runtime_error normally:

#include <seastar/core/future.hh>
#include <seastar/util/log.hh>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>

seastar::future<> g() {
    return seastar::make_exception_future<>(std::runtime_error("hello"));

seastar::future<> f() {
    return g().handle_exception([](std::exception_ptr e) {
        std::cerr << "Exception: " << e << "\n";

The output is

Exception: std::runtime_error (hello)

From this output, we have no way of knowing that the exception was thrown in g(). We can solve this if we use make_exception_future_with_backtrace instead of make_exception_future:

#include <util/backtrace.hh>
seastar::future<> g() {
    return seastar::make_exception_future_with_backtrace<>(std::runtime_error("hello"));

Now the output looks like

Exception: seastar::internal::backtraced<std::runtime_error> (hello Backtrace:   0x678bd3

Which, as above, can be converted to a human-readable backtrace by using the seastar-addr2line script.

In addition to seastar::make_exception_future_with_backtrace(), Seastar also provides a function throw_with_backtrace(), to throw an exception instead of returning an exceptional future. For example:


In the current implementation, both make_exception_future_with_backtrace and throw_with_backtrace require that the original exception type (in the above example, std::runtime_error) is a subclass of the std::exception class. The original exception provides a what() string, and the wrapped exception adds the backtrace to this string, as demonstrated above. Moreover, the wrapped exception type is a subclass of the original exception type, which allows catch(...) code to continue filtering by the exception original type - despite the addition of the backtrace.

21.3 Debugging with gdb

handle SIGUSR1 pass noprint handle SIGALRM pass noprint

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