Asynchronous Programming with Seastar

Nadav Har’El -

Avi Kivity -

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20 Command line options

20.1 Standard Seastar command-line options

All Seastar applications accept a standard set of command-line arguments, such as those we’ve already seen above: The -c option for controlling the number of threads used, or -m for determining the amount of memory given to the application.

TODO: list and explain more of these options.

Every Seastar application also accepts the -h (or --help) option, which lists and explains all the available options — the standard Seastar ones, and the user-defined ones as explained below. ## User-defined command-line options Seastar parses the command line options (argv[]) when it is passed to app_template::run(), looking for its own standard options. Therefore, it is not recommended that the application tries to parse argv[] on its own because the application might not understand some of the standard Seastar options and not be able to correctly skip them.

Rather, applications which want to have command-line options of their own should tell Seastar’s command line parser of these additional application-specific options, and ask Seastar’s command line parser to recognize them too. Seastar’s command line parser is actually the Boost library’s boost::program_options. An application adds its own option by using the add_options() and add_positional_options() methods on the app_template to define options, and later calling configuration() to retrieve the setting of these options. For example,

#include <iostream>
#include <seastar/core/app-template.hh>
#include <seastar/core/reactor.hh>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    seastar::app_template app;
    namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
        ("flag", "some optional flag")
        ("size,s", bpo::value<int>()->default_value(100), "size")
       { "filename", bpo::value<std::vector<seastar::sstring>>()->default_value({}),
         "sstable files to verify", -1}
    });, argv, [&app] {
        auto& args = app.configuration();
        if (args.count("flag")) {
            std::cout << "Flag is on\n";
        std::cout << "Size is " << args["size"].as<int>() << "\n";
        auto& filenames = args["filename"].as<std::vector<seastar::sstring>>();
        for (auto&& fn : filenames) {
            std::cout << fn << "\n";
        return seastar::make_ready_future<>();
    return 0;

In this example, we add via add_options() two application-specific options: --flag is an optional parameter which doesn’t take any additional agruments, and --size (or -s) takes an integer value, which defaults (if this option is missing) to 100. Additionally, we ask via add_positional_options() that an unlimited number of arguments that do not begin with a “-” — the so-called positional arguments — be collected to a vector of strings under the “filename” option. Some example outputs from this program:

$ ./a.out
Size is 100
$ ./a.out --flag
Flag is on
Size is 100
$ ./a.out --flag -s 3
Flag is on
Size is 3
$ ./a.out --size 3 hello hi
Size is 3
$ ./a.out --filename hello --size 3 hi
Size is 3

boost::program_options has more powerful features, such as required options, option checking and combining, various option types, and more. Please refer to Boost’s documentation for more information.

Back to table of contents. Previous: 19. Shutting down cleanly. Next: 21. Debugging a Seastar program.